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Wild Crafted Raw Sea Moss Gel “The King of the Sea”. (20 oz.)

Wild Crafted Raw Sea Moss Gel “The King of the Sea”. (20 oz.)

Regular price $42.00 USD
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Our Sea Moss Gel “The KING of the Sea” is made with a various of Green, Purple, & Gold raw sea moss, which is transported off the coast of Honduras. It’s very beneficial for the body, providing you with 92 minerals of the 102 minerals that our bodies need. 

Sea moss helps to nourish the endocrine system. It’s also known to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body, increase energy levels, improve skin health, and much more. The nutrients it obtains is like none other.

It’s rich in Amino Acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Omega 3 fatty Amino acid, Antioxidants, Protein, Calcium, Beta-Carotene, Pectin, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, Selenium, Phosphorus, Sulphur & many more.

Sea Moss helps aid with Immune system support, rids the body of my cus, healthy hair, skin, respiratory health, reduce inflammation, arthritis/ joint pain support, digestive support,thyroid support, gut health, metabolism boost, energy,weight loss,compressing cancer cell ,high blood pressure regulates hormones to increase sex drive, diabetes,cholesterol,natural diuretic (removing excessive water)


• Purple Sea Moss for an all-natural boost of antioxidants, contains a powerful antioxidant called "anthocyanin" which is a pigment that gives plants their color i.e. red, purple blue etc. Anthocyanins are linked to health benefits such as stronger bones, a healthier heart and lower inflammation. It has a wide various of benefits, even supporting visual health, fights, infections, fights for free radicals, & immune support. 

• Green Sea Moss for an all-natural boost of Chlorophyll! 

It’s high in Chlorophyll, which is an all natural body deodorizer and detoxifier. That’s what gives plants their natural green color. It is also great for healing the skin and reducing bacterial growth in wounds.

• Gold Sea Moss is the most commonly used and the only color that is sun-dried. It has very minimal smell and taste compared to the other colors. It offers an huge variety of all  benefits including gut health, supports thyroid regulation, & it serves as a natural multivitamin, & natural decongestant. 

Certain colors contain Phytonutrients that offer additional benefits which are unique to them. Enjoy the full Spectrum of Sea Moss!


  • Ages 6 months -2 years take 1 teaspoon daily 
  • Ages 3-12 years old take 1 tablespoon daily 
  • Ages 13 & up take 2 tablespoons daily 

When your gel arrives, it may have become warm during the shipping process. Please don't worry. Sea moss is essentially gelatinous rock and does not age like normal food products. For best results and optimal consistency, refrigerate overnight before opening and keep refrigerated between uses. Refrigerate up to 30 days or freeze up to 12 months. 


CFIA certified 

Phytosanitary certified 



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